The international project for European young entrepreneurs (IPEYE2) is a web application enabling a variety of pan-European stakeholders to share information and collaborate on entrepreneurial projects. The application brings together potential entrepreneurs and host entrepreneurs to work together on projects that are innovative and have huge growth potential. As part of the web application IPEYE administrators can add new users to the system, can match host entrepreneurs with new entrepreneurs and can enable access for partners in different countries to monitor and manage entrepreneurs.
This interactive website application enables new entrepreneurs and their host entrepreneurs to collaborate in setting goals and planned outcomes, creating business plans and providing weekly feedback reports with the facility to add comments to each type of interaction.
The Technology Behind the Website
In this website application we use the WordPress programming API in conjunction with a MySQL database to enable the advanced functionality of the system. Our unique and innovative business plan builder uses JavaScript to enable dragging and dropping of sections addition of new sections. The business plan can be saved and exported as a PDF also. Our application provides a business plan template which can be expanded on and built to their own specifications.
Another often overlooked aspect of all our websites is the usability factor. We make websites that are easy to use. We also make them look good. Our graphic designer is an expert in interface design, usability and user experience design ensuring a pleasant experience for multiple user types. As with all of our websites this web application has a content management system, enabling the web administrator to add and manage users, edit and update page content, and take control of all aspects of the website.
Website User Roles
The site had four different types of users; Administrators, Partners, Host or experienced Entrepreneurs & New or aspiring Entrepreneurs.
One useful approach at the early stage of this project was the incorporation of User Stories which helped with getting high level definition of requirements for the site.
For example:
- As a New Entrepreneur, you can create a Business Plan
- New Entrepreneurs can define sections on the Business Plan
- They can sort sections on the Business Plan
- They can download my business Plan
- New Entrepreneurs can have a conversation with my Paired Host Entrepreneur below my Business Plan
- They can create Weekly Reports
- As a New Entrepreneur, you can have a conversation with my Paired Host Entrepreneur below my Weekly Report
- You can update your profile
- Host Entrepreneurs can View/Edit the business Plan of my paired New Entrepreneur
- They can View/Edit the Weekly Report of my paired New Entrepreneur
- As a Partner, you can view the Business Plan between a Host & New Entrepreneur
- You can view the Weekly Report between a Host & New Entrepreneur
- You can upload/download NE/HE Opportunities
- Partners can also upload/download Reports
- As an Administrator, you can add users
- Administrators can set users roles as being Partner, Host Entrepreneur or New Entrepreneur
- Administrators can pair and unpair a Host & a New Entrepreneur
- They can add management documents
Some user stories were added to the above product backlog as the project became more clearer to the stakeholder. During each sprint, some users stories were selected to be completed by the end of the iteration. Stakeholders conducted regular reviews at the end of each iteration resulting in much better communication & ability to manage change quicker. In conclusion, the project is considered a success by all parties involved.
Web Application Screenshots
See below for screenshots of parts of the system
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