2 Quick Tips for Blog Post Ideas

Everything is a Potential Blog Post…

Most people know that in order to rank well on Google its important to have regular content updates on your website. Along with generating good links into your site and being active on social media, having regular keyword-rich content on your site is key for getting good search engine listings. However, people are often stuck for new content ideas and depending on the theme of the website it may not be easy to think of topics for new blog posts.

An easy way to get over this writing block is to think of everything as a potential blog post. If you send an email to a client explaining a feature of your product or service you may have the basis for an interesting blog post right there.

Blog post Ideas

Get that content written quickly – follow our 2 top tips for blog post ideas

1- Reuse Content for Blog Posts

If you create a presentation or brochure, again you may have enough content, with little bit of editing, for a useful and interesting blog post. It’s also a good idea to share the content in social networks. Slideshare.net is a great resource for posting your powerpoint presentations. You can create links back to your website and also post a transcript of the presentation which presents more keyword rich content.

2- Don’t Type, Talk

My favourite tip, and another thing I like to do, is record blog posts on my phone whenever I get a few minutes. If I am waiting for a meeting or waiting in the car, I plug my headset with speaker and use the speech to text option on my phone to record as I wait. I speak and my words are converted to on-screen text. In this way I can create the bulk of the content without having to type a word.

These are a few simple tips for writing regular blog posts to help optimising your website. For more ideas see www.irishwebhq.com

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